About the blog

Thanks for reading Dave's Kentucky Bucket, please feel free to comment here, shoot me an email at dboucher@kentuckynewera.com, call me at 270-887-3262 or drop by my office on East Ninth Street if you'd like to chat about the column or an idea for a future adventure!


Thank you for venturing to Dave's Kentucky Bucket Blog. In this blog I'll try to provide more insight into my experiences, as well as a way for you to ask me questions, share your own experiences or tip me off to the location of my next visit.

I've designed a tentative posting schedule for the blog that will run as follows:

Monday: The story behind the story
     -I'll post some tidbits from that week's adventure that weren't able to make it into the column.

Tuesday: A different perspective
     -Often I'm accompanied on my trips by a photographer, and that person typically has a slightly different opinion of how things go down. For the events where I'm joined by another staffer, that person will provide their account of the experience.

Wednesday: Mailbag
     -I get some response each week to what I write, and I try to respond to as many as possible. Here, I'll share some of those comments and my own responses.

Thursday: Your bucket list
     -This is a chance for you to share your own experiences that are similar to the one I've completed that week. If you've got a picture of you riding a horse in a rodeo, for example, send it my way and I could post it to the blog.

Friday: To the next adventure
     -I'll share the options I'm considering for upcoming bucket list sites, and what questions I hope to answer during the course of the experience.

Saturday: If my bucket was larger than Western Kentucky
     -I find stories about places I'd love to go or events in which I'd love to participate all the time. I'll share links to some of these, as well as why I think they would make for a fun column.

Sunday: Sneak peek
     -I'll give a few hints about what will run in tomorrow's column. I may even include a photo or two from the experience.

Thanks again for your interest in the column. I appreciate any and all feedback, so leave a comment here with any appropriate opinion you may have.